The Lavaca-Navidad River Authority recently named Shelby Scarborough and Riley Kucera as their 2024 Outstanding Employees of the Year.
Announcement of Scarborough and Kucera as recipients of the honor was made at LNRA’s Annual Christmas Party. Scarborough is LNRA’s Brackenridge Recreation Complex Public Outreach Assistant and Kucera is an Instrumentation and Electrical Technician.
LNRA presents the award on an annual basis to an employee or employees who applies outstanding qualities in the areas of motivation, dedication, and innovation, and consistently performs above and beyond. It is an honor well deserved by both Scarborough and Kucera.
LNRA also presented service awards to employees with: 35 Years of Service: Carlos Mesa; 25 Years of Service: Ricky Zack; 20 Years of Service: Jenna Dennis; 15 Years of Service: Terry Harvey, Shane Siecko, Liz Stuhrenberg, Kevin Williams; 10 Years of Service: Rhonda Keith, Greg Panza, Lindsey Sklar, Kurt Stancik; 5 Years of service: Scott Hartl, Michael Price, Maria Santiago, Keith Sulak.