When the final bell rang at Edna High School to release for Thanksgiving break and everybody else made a dash for their cars and buses, Edna FFA still had work to do. Five of their teams headed off to area contest at Blinn College.
These five teams were joined by eight other teams a week and a half prior at the Gulf Coast District Leadership Development Events in Boling. There they competed against the 16 other schools in their district.
Unlike other school activities, FFA districts and areas are arranged geographically regardless of school size, meaning they compete from Class 1A to 6A and from one Ag teacher and advisor to 13. And only the top three move on to the area contest. At the district level, Edna FFA entered every category except the two chapter conducting contests.
Students worked for months prior researching, memorizing, studying and practicing their presentations.
The Broadcasting team interviewed Jessia Coleman for a broadcast about the effects of hurricanes on wildlife. They placed 10th. The junior quiz team studied FFA and parliamentary procedure information and placed seventh. The senior quiz team studied the same information as well as agriculture issues, farm facts and the FFA leadership guide to place ninth.
Ag Advocacy overcame several setbacks to place sixth. Public Relations created a presentation to promote FFA to service organizations and placed fourth. Emma Strelczyk competed in Job Interview where she filled out a resume, conducted an in-person and phone interview and wrote a follow-up letter to place ninth. The senior and junior creed speakers presented the FFA Creed and answered thought questions. Senior Amelia Smiga placed seventh and freshman Blaykeslee Pieprzyca placed fifth.
But the highlight of the district contest was the advancement of five teams to the area level.
Junior Spanish Creed Speaker Jose DeLeon placed third and also advanced. Senior Spanish Creed Speaker Lizeth Avalos placed second and advanced for the third time in a row.
“I felt pretty confident going into the room at district and felt like I had done a good job when I came out,” Avalos said. “There was a girl from Louise that I knew was my closest competition. She’s a great speaker and she won first, so I wasn’t upset about that.”
The chapter believes it was the first time in over 18 years and potentially EVER that the Junior AND Senior Skills teams, as well as the Ag Issues team, advanced.
The all-girls Skills teams both showed their judges how to construct a homecoming mum.
“Pushing myself beyond my comfort zone was challenging but it lead me to some of the best experiences,” Junior team member Rayli Robinson said. “I had the best team of girls and would do it all again!”
Senior team member Emrie Bazan also had a great experience.
“I felt really accomplished, especially knowing we were Mrs. Depine’s first LDE team to advance to area,” Bazan said. “If I’m being completely honest, I was very nervous because I had to learn a new skill and we had a pretty rocky start. But I made some amazing memories from some of our experiences together! And…bonus…I know how to make my own homecoming mum now!”
The Ag Issues team researched and presented the pros and cons of solar and wind farms. As part of their contest, they also had to conduct forums in the community. The team would like to thank Lion’s Club, Commissioner’s Court and Farm Bureau for allowing them to present their topic.
Senior Sheila Calzada-Alba competed for her third year in Ag Issues.
“At first, I never even thought I would make it on an LDE team, but this organization has helped me grow as a person, let me have the courage to talk in front of people and educate more people about agriculture issues,” Calzada-Alba said. At the area contest, these teams faced off with the best of the best of the 73 schools in the area. Only the top two teams from each contest would be able to move forward to state.
Despite their best efforts, none of the teams advanced this year. Ag Issues and Junior Skills both placed ninth. Senior Skills placed eighth. Junior Spanish Creed placed seventh and Senior Spanish Creed placed fifth.
Now the chapter turns their attention to the spring semester, where several of their members will exhibit animals and ag mechanics projects at major shows and compete in Career Development Events, with the goal of earning a fourth consecutive district sweepstakes title.

Edna FFA winners