Date: 1-24-25 Receipt 784
There were 66 cows and
27 bulls. With a limited number of cows, the market was strong, and bulls were $5 -$7 /cwt higher.
The calf market broke last week’s record average by
$69.64 dollaring out at $
1525.77 per head with
$12/cwt more on two pounds less weight than last week. This market is absolutely unbelievable!
Packer Bulls: 133-173; Steer and bull calves: canners and cutters, 115-137; poor and weak, 65-120.
Palpated: 9, 1,600-2,200.
Pairs: none..
Steer and bull calves;
200-250 lbs, 425; 250-299 lbs. 423-465; 300-350 lbs.,
390-455; 350-400 lbs.,
395-455; 400-450 lbs.,
360-445; 450-500 lbs.,
342-405; 500-550 lbs.,
318-392; 550-600 lbs., 299-316; 600-700 lbs.,
286-332; 700-800 lbs.,
260-298; over 800 lbs.,
Heifer calves; 200-250 lbs., 406-470; 250-300 lbs., 352-400; 300-350 lbs., 359-385; 350-400 lbs., 336-410; 400-450 lbs., 325-400; 450-500 lbs., 305-395; 500-550 lbs., 279-320; 550-600 lbs., 272-318; 600-700 lbs., 253-277; over 700 lbs., 209-235.