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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 8:08 PM

Chamber Chatter

Only one more week to turn in the Economic Development Grants. The Chamber will be awarding $1,500 to a Chamber Member that is looking to improve their business.

Applications can be found online or pick up a copy at the Chamber. We will be accepting completed applications in the Chamber office until noon on Friday, January 31, 2025. No late applications will be accepted! You may turn your application by mail, e-mail ([email protected]), or deliver to the Chamber at 116 W.

Cypress St. in Edna.

You’re invited to attend the 15th Annual Best of Texas Big Buck & Big Hog Contest banquet on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at the Jackson County Services Building.

If you entered the contest, you will receive a complementary ticket. Extra tickets can be purchased at the Chamber or at the door. For up-to-date information follow the Best of Texas Big Buck & Big Hog Contest on Facebook.

Gun Raffle tickets are available for sale for $20 each or six for $100. Prizes include: TPWD Lifetime Hunting License, Bergara B14308, Axis II Youth 243 Savage, Tristar Viper Real Tree Camo 410, and two $450 Gun Certificates.

Drawing will be held at the BOT Banquet. For more information, call the Chamber (361)782-7146.

Save the Date: The JCCCA will be hosting a Business Expo & Job Fair, Wednesday, March 26th at the Chamber building.

To participate or for more information, please call our office at 361-782-7146.

We want to remind everyone to support our local businesses and a great way to do that is with CHAMBER BUCKS.

Chamber Bucks can be purchased for any amount at the Chamber. They can be used like traditional gift cards. The purpose of “Chamber Bucks” is to encourage community members to SHOP LOCAL.

Utilizing Chamber Bucks will guarantee the money will be spent in Jackson County, which helps our county continue to prosper and grow. Remember our locals support all our businesses throughout the year. Send a special message on the Chamber LED Sign for only $5. The Chamber can also help you display a special announcement, advertise a sale or a special promotion for your business or non-profit organization. Contact the Chamber and see how we can help.

Are you active on Facebook and have something you want us to share?

Please tag us in your post or e-mail us your flyer, so we can share.

Send a special message on the Chamber LED Sign for only $5. The Chamber can also help you display a special announcement, advertise a sale or a special promotion for your business or non-profit organization. Contact the Chamber and see how we can help.

Have you had a great experience with a business?

If so, we would like to hear about it. Each month we select a Chamber Member to receive Member of the Month and we could use your help with nominations. Just give us a call (361) 782-7146 or e-mail [email protected] with your suggestions.

Congratulations to Ava & Finn’s Gifts & Blooms.

They are our January Member of the Month! Ava & Finn’s Gifts & Blooms was chosen by the Chamber Board of Directors because of their continued support of the Chamber and our Community. Located at 116 S Third St in Ganado. For more information, please call (361) 771-3227.


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