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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 9:39 PM

Industrial ISD celebrates School Board Recognition Month

January is School Board Recognition Month and Industrial Independent School District is honored to celebrate its trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district’s schools and students. “Industrial is fortunate to have a school board who are not only selfless volunteers spending long hours working towards the betterment of our district, but who always put the best interests of students and faculty first,” Superintendent Clark Motley said.

“Celebrating School Board Recognition Month is one way to say thanks for all they do.”

Serving as a link between the community and classroom, school board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for public schools. The Industrial school board is responsible for an annual budget of just over $13 million, 1,173 students, 166 employees and Four campuses.

“School boards are essential to a strong public education system,” Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Executive Director Dan Troxell said.

“They provide the local governance and oversight that makes it possible for school districts to serve students, including establishing a strategic plan, adopting policies, approving a budget and selecting and evaluating a superintendent. It’s fitting that we celebrate them in January as their leadership is key to the success of every school district in Texas.”

Industrial’s board is working tirelessly to guide the district through some of the most difficult situations to ever face public education. They are doing so with grace, and compassion which has allowed Industrial to maintain a high level of education for students. Thanks to guidance provided, Industrial is an ‘A’ rated district according to the most recent accountability ratings, and while ratings haven’t been released for two years, the district’s academic scores are some of the highest in our state.

The work of the board along with district faculty and staff has been acknowledged two years in a row with recognition at the National level. Industrial Elementary East received National Blue-Ribbon status in the 2023-2024 school year. Industrial Junior High received National Blue-Ribbon status in the 2024-2025 school year. For a campus and school district, this is one of the highest honors that can be given. To achieve this two year in a row is a rare accomplishment to say the least.

Board members serving Industrial I.S.D. are: Mr.

Dale Allen-elected 2012, Mrs. Denise Chaney-elected 2022, Mr. BJ Ellison- elected 2022, Mr. Ashley Jalufka-elected 2023, Mrs. Sara Perry-elected 2015, Mrs. Michelle Smith-elected 2023, and Mr. Clay Van Pelt-elected 2012.

Industrial is fortunate to have a board that is as dedicated to, and passionate about students and their education. There is a great deal of excitement about the future of Industrial I.S.D. under the leadership and guidance of this board.


Jackson County Herald Tribune
Faith Sunshine Hope Ranch
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