Date: 3-7-25 Receipt 1,300
There were 181 cows, 32 bulls, and three sheep.
The packer cow market was a little cheaper at $3 - $6 lower than last week. Packer bulls were consistent with last week.
The calf market again was really good. Some of the lighter weights sold a little softer and some of the heavier weights sold stronger. Overall, the cattle market demand is still high.
Packer Bulls: 147-185; Steer and bull calves: canners and cutters, 137-151; poor and weak, 72-122.
Palpated: 35, 1,600-2,300. Pairs: two, $2,000-$2,300. Steer and bull calves; 200-250 lbs, 434-525; 250-299 lbs. 416-512; 300-350 lbs., 379-450; 350-400 lbs., 380-427.5; 400-450 lbs., 363-410; 450-500 lbs., 349-402; 500-550 lbs., 326-366; 550-600 lbs., 314-364; 600-700 lbs., 289-328; 700-800 lbs., 243-279.
Heifer calves; 200-250 lbs., 386-525; 250-300 lbs., 354-430; 300-350 lbs., 360-422; 350-400 lbs., 334-414; 400-450 lbs., 321-395; 450-500 lbs., 316-378; 500-550 lbs., 307-350; 550-600 lbs., 289-314; 600-700 lbs., 230-310; over 700 lbs., 243-279.