The February 19 meeting was held in the Texana room of the Farquhar building. The program for the meeting was a ukulele performance by the Spirit Strings. The musical group, led by former teacher and coach Barbara Conitz, began as a project for the youth at Port Lavaca Methodist Church but morphed into the adult group when the attending parents or grandparents took up the challenge to play as well. They often play for the elderly at nursing facilities and have presented programs for Rotary Clubs, Retired Teacher association and now EBLC.
This group of four ladies has the members all singing along to songs from our youth such as You are my Sunshine and Ain’t she Sweet.
One unique result of the ukelele group’s creation is the public library has acquired ukuleles for check out purposes and lessons are given each Sunday. What a neat project that is providing many positive results!

The ELBC ladies enjoyed the sweet sounds and songs of Spirit Swings, led by Barbara Conitz, at their last meeting. Due to the group’s creation, the public library has ukuleles to check out, plus lessons are given each Sunday. Call the Jackson County Memorial Library to find out more. Contributed photo