March 26
State VASE
March 27
JCHD Blue Belles meeting JCCOC Job Fair
March 28
EHS hosts Academic UIL District Meet
March 31
FFA Applied Engineering Area contest
April 3
A Celebrate Recover meeting at 6:30 at the Bayside Community Church Ganado campus
April 12
Meet and greet for special needs families. A meal is provided. 1 - 3 at Lolita Baptist Church
April 14
Texas Youth Rodeo Association Benefit Rodeo at the BRC Workforce Solutions of the Golden Crescent is hosting a hiring event at Cypress St., across from the HEB parking lot, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
May 3 - May 11 May 17 - 18
Level Up Barrel Racing at the BRC beginning at 8 a.m.