Ganado School Board Revises Policies
By Darlene Tise, Contributing Writer Ganado School Board trustees discussed making a change to local policy in regard to the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) at the Jan. 20 meeting. Currently teachers are evaluated annually which helps provide formative feedback, so teachers can improve their practice.
The change would allow the district to eliminate an annual T-TESS evaluation if criteria and specific requirements are met for educators. Changes to the policy would be district-wide. The educators would have to be proficient in every category to be considered. Anyone selected could be place back in the appraisal cycle at any point and time. The decision as to who qualifies would be at the discretion of administration. Those who meet the requirements would continue to be evaluated every other year instead of annually. Superintendent Erin Fasel will work with the policy writers and present a written version of the policy at the next meeting for board’s consideration and possible approval.
In other news, the board was notified that the Texas Education Agency will be requesting the district to refund almost $500,000 in funds paid to GISD for attendance. The TEA paid based on attendance numbers before the pandemic virus struck.
Wendy Nixon, business manager said the district’s average daily attendance and weighted average daily attendance was down primarily due to the COVID pandemic. As of Jan. 20, 2021, the district had an enrollment of 722 students with an average daily attendance of 653.
“We are not the only district who will face this problem,” said Nixon. “Enrollment and attendance are down everywhere.”
She told the board the district should be okay, but a new budgeting process will be implemented.
The board also hired Sledge Engineering as a consultant on the bond project that was used to construct the new campuses. With the original contractor exiting the project before its completion, Sledge will help GISD decide which areas of concern are the most important and how much it would cost to finish the repairs.
Casey Sledge and Jennifer Black of Sledge Engineering indicated the firm would help take an independent look at issues that remain.
“We will provide numbers on how much it would cost to fix things at the highest level or to the board’s satisfaction,” said Sledge. “The first phase will be investigative. Secondly, we will help with bidding and procurements for projects if the board desires.”
Two resolutions were also passed before the board went into executive session. The first designates district personnel as front-line workers which would allow them to receive the COVID vaccine in a timelier fashion. The second resolution extends the emergency paid leave act through June 30, 2021 so employees can continue to be paid if they have to be out for reasons related to the pandemic.
Following executive session, Fasel was given a one-year extension to her contract and a three percent raise. The superintendent’s contract will now expire on June 30, 2024. The board also accepted resignations that will be effective at the end of the school year.