In honor of Any Totman
Amy Totman was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2011. This year, she was one of three named In Honor by the Relay For Life.
“I was surprised about being named,” Totman said. “I never really did consider myself a survivor because I never did have to do chemo.”
Totman’s cancer came and was gone very quickly. Although she did lose both of her parents to cancer, when she was diagnosed, it was a complete surprise to her.
“I never really thought that I would be diagnosed with cancer,” Totman said. “It just seems to happen with older people but I am 43.
“When I went in, I thought it was stress from my dad passing the year before. I thought maybe I was anemic. They found a polyp and then did a biopsy. I ended up having to see a surgeon.”
When the diagnosis came, it took Totman by complete surprise.
“I couldn’t think straight when I called my husband to tell him,” Totman continued. “But I ended up having surgery two weeks later and that was it. Six months after the initial diagnosis, I was cancer free. I do still have to go back regularly and have a colonoscopy done, but no more cancer has been found.”