Fair Royalty Chosen
The 2020 Jackson County Youthh Fair royalty were crowned over the weekend at the pageants held at the Jackson County Services Building in Edna. Kylie Roszypal was crowned fair queen and named Miss Congeniality. Kaylee Pieprzyca was named grand duchess and Callie Bell, duchess.
Emrie Bazan, a student at Edna Junior High, was named Jr. Miss, Mykah Mabry named first runner up and Gianna Kallus, second runner up.
Rylee Boone, a student at Edna Elementary, was named Little Miss. Durham Tipton was first runner up and Elise Soto, second runner up. Gabe Kallus was named Little Mr., Keegan Pieprzyca was first runner up and Daniel Benavides second runner up.
Photos of all the winners will be in the fair wrap up section of the Jackson County Herald-Tribune to be published in the Oct. 21 issue.
From left are, top, Bazan and Roszypal; and bottom, Kallus and Boone.