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Too many turnovers for Ganado

By Michael Brooks

Staff Writer  

  It was a tale of two halves on Friday night in Ganado. The first half was dominated by great defensive play from both sides, but the story of the second half, and the determining factor of the game, was turnovers.

  When the Danbury Panthers lined up for the first offensive play of the game against the Indians, their size advantage was apparent. By the end of the game, the bigger Panthers players had wore down the Indians.

“Flying around on both offense and defense got me tired out,” Toby Ortiz said. “Those guys were big, but I felt like we had more muscle, more heart, but mistakes happen.”

   Danbury took the ball to open the game and put together a 58 yard drive capped off by a 28 yard quarterback keeper. The extra point was no good, but the Panther took a 6-0 lead just over four minutes into the game.

  The Indians would answer right back on their opening drive of the game when Ortiz scored on a 46 yard run that finished off a 68 yard drive. The extra point was good and Ganado took a 7-6 lead


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